
I was looking for a solution to use pagination in the news reader module of typolight.

There was already an issue in http://dev.typolight.org/issues/show/331 and a blog post on http://www.typolight-community.de/showthread.php?t=1458, but not leading to any solution.

So I had some spare time over the weekend and thought: “Why not try to create such a module on my own”. So here we are with my first extension for typolight. The NewsNav module.

Basically it contains the logic of the well known ArticleNav module which does pagination for articles.

It is my first extension. I’m sure you’ll find some bugs or have ideas for improvments. Don’t hesitate to contact me in this case.

You don’t need to configure the module. It just displays all the links to the news in the same news archive. The template used is a copy of the one for ArticleNav.

I haven’t had time to investigate how to publish an extension. So just download it, copy it to the system/modules directory, try it out and leave a comment!

5 comments so far

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  1. hi markus

    i was looking for exactly this feature in typolight, thank you, this helped me a lot!

    seems to work fine in tl 2.7.6, only im missing some features:
    – sorting of the news (ie by date asc or desc)
    – hide/show news-numbers (ie only display next/previous)


  2. Hi Markus,

    the download is not working. Is the module still available somewhere? It’s exactly what I need.


  3. Hi Tina,

    Thanks for your feedback. The link is working again.



  4. hey markus,

    thanks for your efforts on this module – it pretty much scratches the itch i’ve had with the built-in newsreader.
    i was wondering if it is compatible with contao version 2.10.1 – it does not appear to output the actual news articles, but still gets the navigation right 🙂

  5. hey markus,

    oooh, nevermind – i think i just realised out that it is supposed to be an _addition_ to the newsreader, not a _replacement_ 😛
